
Mom & Popism

My first thoughts on these superbly tagged-up New York shop fronts
was ‘how the hell did they get away with that?!?’

Then, when I reached the end of Mom & Popism by James T. & Karla L. Murray I finally realised that the shop fronts were exactly that, just fronts that had been reproduced in hi-res ad-poster style and then painted over by an impressive list of graf artists. As someone who loves both old-school Americana and a nice bit of modernist graffiti this book offers a real two-for-one hit of aesthetic goodness for a culture geek such as moi. And if like me you want to see more of these beautifully faded fronts there is an entire book dedicated to these disappearing delis and dime stores  from which the images featured here were originally taken. Anyway this book is well worthy of joining the ranks of your cool book collection as it documents the concept and process behind each piece as well as the ethos and styles of the different artists responsible for creating each individual slice of NYC art. Mom & Popism = Proper Topism. Buy the book HERE

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