
Portrait of Britain – A Nationwide public exhibition


If you want to admire some amazing photography whilst you’re out shopping or on the way to work this month then you might want to gaze up from your phone once in a while and check out your surroundings. I say this because the British Journal of Photography and JCDecaux have put on a unique photographic exhibition throughout September which can be spotted on the high streets, shopping malls and train stations of our fair isle. Shown on digital advertising screens are 100 diverse portraits reflected contemporary British society, with the odd well know face in there like Stormzy and Nadiya off of Bake Off.  To have a look at more of the portraits you can either get off your arse and go for a walk around town and/or have a look on gallery.portraitofbritain.uk where you can also buy prints too. This ”by the people, of the people, for the people’ aesthetic is a welcome move during these post Brexit times that will hopefully remind us all of how our diversity is where our strength lies and should be celebrated accordingly.

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Commissioned by the Times Magazine 2015

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