
Six of the Best – West Country walk

Being sat behind a frozen keyboard at this time of year can cause our minds to run wild about how better we could be spending these testing winter months…

The obvious option is to leave this island in search of a warmer one – but we like wearing big coats too much to do that – so we’re restricted to daydreaming only of stuff that takes place within the United Kingdom.

A recurring thought that crops up in these work avoidance-induced daydreams revolves around being some West Country gentleman, cut of a wealthy ink, who is walking a pair of lurchers around the grounds of his stately home, wearing a big wax coat, ear-flapped hat and tweed of some description.

So, this edition of Six of the Best has been inspired entirely by the thoughts of this fictional, pirate-sounding fellow leisurely wandering around his estate and the outfits we choose for him to do so in.

For the outfit we’ve put together here, we’ve relied solely on British heritage brand Baracuta, apart from the actual soles – because they don’t make footwear.

Barbour x Baracuta Mods Casual Parka

Some collaboration this one, probably one of the best of the entire year. This Parka was inspired by those who ride mopeds, but we reckon it’s just as fitting for people whose vehicle of choice has four wheels instead of two and a Land Rover badge on the back.

Baracuta Aran Turtle Neck

The level of West Country-ness can be directly equated to the chunkiness of the knit that the person is wearing, and judging by the chosen knit of our fictional character, they’re going to sound as if they could seamlessly slip into The Wurzels line-up – god forbid anything should happen to one of the members. In all seriousness this piece of knitwear is super nice, the size of the cable knit and the thickness of the neck are sublime.

Baracuta x Barbour Trapper Hat

If there’s one thing that country folk like, it’s interesting headwear. This dome-coverer from Baracuta x Barbour is waxed, has fleece-lined ear flaps, and tartan-lined innards – it couldn’t be any more countryside if it tried.

Baracuta Corduroy Trousers

Not only are these trousers very nice looking and made of one of our favourite fabrics ever, but the colour of them is named Cognac, and the only thing country folk like more than interesting headwear is cognac.

Red Wing Classic Moc Toe 6″ Boot

Right, okay, we’re well aware that most people in the countryside’s preferred footwear is Wellington boots, but they’re not very cool, are they? So for that reason, we’ve kitted out our country gentleman in this nice pair of Red Wings – they look more than adequate for a slightly damp stroll around a field.

Baracuta Tartan Mini Umbrella

In the North, umbrellas are seldom seen, but in the South, it’s a different story – which is funny really because it rains much more up here. Anyway, this umbrella couldn’t be better suited to a countryside jaunt – it’s covered in tartan.

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