
Six from C.P. Company at EQVVS

Sometimes it’s important to take a bit of respite. Given the current socioeconomic climate of the world, it’s easy to get overwhelmed, and we find that the best remedy to provide the aforementioned respite is a really nice wearable item.

Do we fully understand what the word socioeconomic means? No.

Are we just trying to make ourselves feel better about our dependency on jackets, trainers and other nice garments? Quite possibly.

Anyway, for what it’s worth if you hypothetically did want to purchase a really nice wearable item we reckon there are few brands out there to look towards than C.P. Company – everything they’ve put out recently and historically is fantastic. Apart from those T-shirts with the goggles printed on the back. Christ, they were bad.

We’ll forgive them though, the brand is doing so many rights they’ve got to do a few wrongs along the way, and that’s alright. It’s natural. But those T-shirts were properly awful.

Right rant over, time to get into the good stuff – we’ve carefully perused the online shelves of Lincoln based garb purveyors, EQVVS, and picked out six of our favourite C.P. items, and if you don’t agree, we don’t want to hear it.

C.P. Company Taylon L Mixed Goggle Jacket

Just like a mixed kebab, this Mixed Goggle Jacket is very, very tasty. Its tastiness isn’t contributed to by glorious chunks of doner and chicken smothered in garlic and chilli sauce, though, but instead by mixed polyamide and nylon panels. Very, very nice.

C.P. Company Nylon B Crossbody Rucksack

There’s something a bit Matrix-esque about crossbody bags, we reckon. Can imagine Neo wandering down to the local offy near his, loading this bad boy up with snacks. Four pack of Snickers, can of Dr Pepper, fruit laces for Trinity, yeah that’ll do.

C.P. Company Flatt Nylon Goggle Jacket

Pretty much the quintessential, no-nonsense, Goggle Jacket. Loads of nice pockets, garment-dyed water-repellent nylon, and of course, goggles on the hood. Which is the main attraction, let’s not lie. If you’re after a daily driver of a jacket that was originally designed for daily driving, this is it.

C.P. Company Chenille Polo Collar Knit Jumper

Now this is smart. There’s an air of sensibility around the Chenille Polo Collar Knit Jumper. Understated. Not doing too much. But with an underlying sense of unpredictability. Something you’d see an angry but stylish Italian football manager wearing whilst he shouts obscenities at his striker for mistiming his run, and then returns to chewing his gum like it’s a piece of tar.

C.P. Company CS II Hooded Lens Jacket

Things in life are seldom as good as a shiny C.P. Company jacket. This one is constructed from the brand’s CS II fabric which provides you with protection from the rain (provided it’s not torrential) but unfortunately not from a loved one’s disapproving gaze when they notice it’s the third new jacket you’ve acquired this year. And it’s only January.

C.P. Company Nylon B Bag

Imagine using this as a pencil case, or even your lunch box. Just to let all the other deck jockeys know that you’re about it. Plus you can check on the state of your sandwich through that handy lens. Actually, now we think about it, it would probably get really crumby really quickly. Bad shout. Probably better to stick to pens.

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