
Love at Frost Bite – Druthers Beanies

With great powder comes great responsibility. Yes, we’re back again for a new year, chatting on about the weather and making weak jokes about snow.

That’s it for now though, we’ll try and limit the jokes where possible, because frankly it takes away from the fact these Made in Japan lids are seriously good.

Created by our new favourite New York brand Druthers, these beanies are constructed from a precise mixture of both organic and recycled cotton, with a sprinkling of polyester elastane to ensure shape and integrity are maintained.

Having worked with them on our own brand Hikerdelic, we can state with certainty they know the score. In fact, you can read more about their main man Adam Gianotti in the forthcoming issue of Proper, available soon from

While strictly speaking we’re in the early knockings of the spring/summer season when it comes to fashion, the reality is we’ve not even started winter here in the UK. For every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction, so you know that record-breaking high temperature on New Year’s Eve? Yeah, well it’s time to pay for it with some snow. And who wants to embark on a journey through that lovely landscape created by the white stuff without using it as a photo opportunity?

Bag yourself one of these gorgeous hats from Druthers and ensure you’re ahead of the curve. Snow is on its way, and so is Druthers.

See more at the Druthers website.

Mark Smith

I had pizza for tea.

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