
Norse Projects Keeps it Cool

I’ve always thought it would be fun to be one of the colour guys who names all the colour variations on the RGB scale. At first, I imagined the formula would be something like ‘pick an adjective and add it to another colour,’ but since browsing the colours extensively I’ve realised it isn’t that simple. For example, Almond Toast is a colour, as well as Drunk-Tank Pink and Goose Turd Green. 

This sweater from Norse Projects is in Mineral Blue, which is a lot easier to imagine than Drunk-Tank Pink, although I’m having a lot of fun imagining scenarios built around the latter. Norse Projects keep it refreshingly cool by sticking to their roots with a clean and simple sweater. The inside care label lets you know that the sweater is from “the cold, cold North,” which is exactly what you won’t feel when you’re wearing it.  I think they should start a petition for a colour to be named “Cold Cold North.”

In the meantime, you can secure a sweat from Pockets.

Check it out at Pockets.

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