Thanks to the use of some cutting-edge materials and a dedicated “make every single gram count” design and build philosophy, this spring, innovative Swedish outdoor brand Haglöfs are taking their ultra-lightweight L.I.M range to soaring new levels of performance. Which in turn got them thinking that having a lighter load also allows you to bring more of what you want with you out on your adventures and now they want to know all about these essential items.
So whether it’s your beloved camera, some ice-cold cans of fizzy Vimto, or a book full of esoteric poetry Haglöfs want to find out ‘What’s your more?’ So the next time you’re up a mountain, out of the trail or just having a quick hike around the park remember to post on Instagram that one thing that you just have to take with you and then tag them whilst using the hashtag #whatsyourmore. If the contents of my pockets are anything to go by the results of this should be pretty interesting…