
A Kind of Guise Chamar Cap

I don’t know how the rest of the world feels but here in the North West of the UK we really can’t get enough of corduroy. If I had it my way this tactile fabric would cover the streets, the houses and all modes of transport too. I even used to own a cord covered sofa a few years back and despite the lines it would leave on my face after falling asleep watching Boardwalk Empire it was the greatest piece of furniture I’ve ever owned. So when I see a suave German brand like A Kind of Guise making caps with Italian corduroy it fills my heart with waley glee and makes me feel connected to my European brothers despite the current Brexit nonsense. ‘Manchester cloth’ can bring us all together, left or right, black or white, straight or gay, lets all buy a corduroy cap today.

Encourage world peace and buy Chamar corduroy cap from Oi Polloi here.


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