
SURF GRAPHICS (Korero Books)

Though I’m a certified (in more ways than one) land-lubber I can’t get enough of all things surf related at the moment and if I needed a selection of imagery to sum up just why I love this scene so much then its all here in this book, Surf Graphics. Leafing through this definitive who’s who (or should that be ‘Dudes Dude’?) of surf artists, you call almost hear the crashing of waves and feel the whip of the salty sea air such is the vivid and evocative quality of their oceanic art work. Giants of the genre such as Phil Roberts, Damian Fulton, Rick Rietveld, Jim Phillips (who has also written a fantastic introduction) mingle alongside more recent stars such as Shawn Dickinson, Jimbo Phillips and Thorsten Hasenkamm within this hefty volume’s colourful pages. A genuine ray of sunshine in book form, Surf graphics is the perfect antidote to the current wintery doom and gloom for those of us stuck indoors longing for a day at the beach.



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