
Camouflage Mini Maglite AA

We’ve never done a post on a torch before have we? I can’t be bothered checking.

We have now.

Whether you’re making tentative plans to go camping when the weather warms up or all this apocalypse nonsense has got you running scared, everyone needs a bloody good torch don’t they? I know in our house it’s a necessity. I’d have been lost without one during the great power outage of this summer. We lost electricity for a good 12 hours and I was all of a doo-dar. Whatever that means. Without that torch I wouldn’t have been able to check the fuse box or even find my way to the stairs. It would have been hilarious.

Seriously though, if you’re after a present for a loved one (ideally one you won’t see until a few days after the festive season, it’s a bit late now eh?) then this fits the bill like a muzzle on a duck. Imagine that. A muzzle on a duck.

Anyway, get one here:-


Mark Smith

I had pizza for tea.

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