
Craghoppers’ ‘Cool, Still’ AW23 Campaign Invites You to Slow Down

In a world perpetually racing forward, Craghoppers is taking a bold step back, beckoning us to immerse ourselves in the tranquil embrace of nature through its AW23 campaign, aptly titled ‘Cool, Still.’

In a society that often glorifies the unrelenting hustle and bustle of our daily lives, ‘Cool, Still’ stands as an advocate for a slower, more deliberate way of living.

Set amongst the tranquility of the Cotswolds, Craghoppers and their team found solace in the clean lines and unfussy design of modernist architecture via a very cool boathouse in an undisclosed location. The hiking trend is here to stay, but the proliferation of run clubs to have sprang up in the last couple of years is testament to people wanting to constantly push themselves in more energetic pursuits. This campaign advocates a balanced lifestyle, where the slow is as important as quick.

At the centre of all this is obviously a load of fancy new clothing, created to fit with the increasingly style-conscious consumer without breaking the bank. It’s a good place for Craghoppers to sit, as they continue to make inroads into a subtle reposition of their brand.

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Mark Smith

I had pizza for tea.

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