
Gramicci Releases New Hemp Range

The constant hum of conversation around sustainability continues, with brands exploring numerous ways in which to lessen their impact on this beautiful planet of ours.

Gramicci have taken up the challenge by engaging with one of the fastest-growing plants in the world – hemp. While much of the clothing in the world uses cotton, the sheer speed at which hemp replenishes itself means on that point alone, it’s a better alternative to cotton.

As a brand with roots in California, counter-culture is never far away, so the fact hemp is taken from the root of a cannabis plant is something of a happy coincidence.

The use of hemp in this range encompasses the trousers and shorts we’ve come to love from Gramicci, plus some very smart tees, too.

You can express your love for the planet and one of its most efficient plants by checking out this range here.

Mark Smith

I had pizza for tea.

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