
Arksen wins with Weatherproof Winterwear

No news bulletin of late has been complete without reference to a strangely named Storm. It’s that time of year isn’t it? Those of us well-versed in the culture of coats look forward to these conditions with relish. It means it’s time to employ the technical outerwear, competing with whatever Mother Nature can throw at us.

With that comes a return to the trusty, reliable, established brands mixed with a little look around at the newer kids on the block. It’s via the latter we arrive at Arksen, a brand we covered a few months back here.

There are plenty of brands specialising in outerwear out there, but few have as many t’s crossed and i’s dotted. First and foremost the gear looks and wears great, but beyond that, like any modern-day clothing brand, there’s a responsibility to appreciate the planet. They do this is every way they feasibly can. From celebrating the moments of clarity one can enjoy in nature, to actually giving back some of their profits to both the earth and the ocean.

Their AW23 range is another string to the bow of him off the internet, Glenn Kitson. Director, memelord and now model. We’ve known him since the early noughties, when Instagram wasn’t really a thing, so we’re always here for anything he’s involved with. He’s getting more handsome with age, too. *blushes*

Anyway, Arksen, get on it here.

Mark Smith

I had pizza for tea.

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