
Celebrate Summertime with C.P. Company

Terraces wear their cultural influences on their sleeve. Literally. Quite obviously named after the location in which mainly the working classes came together for a common cause, the brands they stock are all the type that appeal to the modern-day stadium dweller. The recent announcement that Safe Standing will once again be allowed in the higher echelons of English football will be music to the ears of this Potteries institution, and not before time.

As we’re between seasons, both in a footballing and fashion sense, it’s that limbo-esque spell when we’re anticipation what the new term with bring, while still mulling over last year’s offerings. However the 21-22 season ended for your club, the new one will bring the usual mixture of false hope and excitement. There will also be a bit of regret that one of the stars of last year left for pastures new before you could fully appreciate him.

That’s a metaphor for the clothing you’ll wear too. You’ve been taking this selection of C.P. Company for granted somewhat, and as a result, some of it is still available now that sale season has come around. And typically, just like that unsung hero of your team, once it’s gone you’ll begin to appreciate it all the more.

Luckily, you’ve still got the chance to avoid that regret, by jumping in and bagging a bargain now.

There’s a good range of C.P. available at Terraces now and you’d do well to get your pre-season rig out freshened up anyway.

See all C.P. Company at Terraces here.

Mark Smith

I had pizza for tea.

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